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joao lobato

joao lobato creative writing and creativity

João Avelar Lobato

João has worked as an editor, journalist and has done consultancy for Greenpeace and other NGOs. He’s been writing professionally since 1996 and has a done a Masters of Research at Cambridge University and post-graduate research at Bristol University, both on literature and social studies.


While living in Recife, Brazil, he created and coordinated a one-year project aimed at increasing reading and writing skills among street children in a NGO (Comunidade dos Pequenos Profetas, CPP), coordinating the publication of two pocket books written and produced by the adolescents, and launched in a national bookshop. João coordinated a project to create small libraries and mobile bookshops in the countryside for people who have little access to formal education and culture. 


João has been awarded a scholarship from the University of Cambridge Overseas Trust, two national scholarships in Brazil (CNPq), has published articles in international journals (Foreign Affairs, Asian Journal of Latin American Studies, SIICUSP) and developed a digital library for the University of Visual & Performance Arts in Sri Lanka.


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